Suzanne Peyton
RN, BA – Monash University
MPHC – (Palliative Care) – Flinders University
Grad Cert Organizational Coaching -Swinburne University
A warm and engaging teacher, and a long-term meditator, Suzanne is passionate about the benefits a mindfulness practice offers those who are seeking more ease and peace amidst life’s stresses. As a participant of MBSR in 2009, she became convinced of its merits and seeded an intention to share it others. Suzanne completed her formal Mindfulness teacher training in 2011 with Openground, Australia, and has facilitated more than 20 MBSR/CT programs since then.
As a palliative care nurse, Suzanne brings a wealth of experience coaching and supporting people during vulnerable times. She is motivated by the positive shifts she witnesses in people affected by cancer when they engage in mindfulness, as they learn ways to steady themselves during difficulty, and open to the good in their lives. Suzanne regularly leads MBSR programs at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer & Wellness Centre at Austin Health.
Deeply committed to preventing burnout in fellow health professionals, Suzanne also teaches mindfulness to medical students at Monash University and facilitates Mindful Self-Care and Self-Compassion programs within organizations and the health sector.
“Practicing mindfulness inclines me towards connecting with myself and others in a friendly, accepting and more heartful way. The practice takes commitment, cultivating great habits of heart and mind, but the rewards are worth it – you’re more awake, and aware in a discerning way, so you can respond rather than react to challenges. It’s a nourishing path, and so rewarding when those we teach, discover this for themselves.”
Dedicated to ongoing professional development, (MTIA training, supervision, annual 5-10 day retreats and a daily meditation practice) Suzanne also takes in the good aspects of being a mother of teenage sons and a bouncy kelpie puppy. Her hobbies include her friends, singing, playing the double bass badly and escaping to the bush whenever she can.